We provide the following services:
What is Mediation and how does it work?
Mediation helps resolve disputes, reduces distress, helps prevent homelessness and improves quality of life for Brighton and Hove residents. Key points are:
- Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process
- It provides a safe neutral space to help people find resolutions to conflict
- Mediators don't take sides
- The people in dispute decide what is discussed and decide any agreement reached
- Agreements are not legally binding; but they are effective and often long lasting
If you are seeking couples or family mediation services We recommend you contact our sister service Mediation Plus.
Videos on Managing Conflict
Top Tips for Neighbour Disputes:
This video provides some useful ideas on how to improve difficult relationships with neighbours:
Videos on Managing Conflict
The Secret Power of Listening.
This video provides some useful ideas on how to improve difficult relationships with neighbours.
Videos on Managing Conflict
How Conflict Escalates:
This video shows how arguments can get out of control.