Brighton & Hove Independent Mediation Service is an independent charity providing mediation and other conflict resolution services for people in Brighton & Hove and the Lewes District of East Sussex.
Our mission is to bring people together to prevent and to repair the harm caused by conflict in their community. We do this by providing:
- Mediation and one to one conflict resolution support in communities and workplaces.
- Education and training in conflict resolution strategies and skills.
We recruit and train volunteers from our communities to be mediators and conflict coaches. Our office team provide information about our services to the public and organise meetings with volunteers and the people we support.

We raise most of our income through contracts with local authorities, the Police and Crime Commissioner and with social landlords, for the provision of mediation and other conflict resolution services.
We have a team of experienced and accredited volunteer mediators based across our communities who usually work in pairs to help people find a solution to their problems.
Our mediators come from all walks-of-life and backgrounds and some have specific qualifications in specialist types of mediation.
Information on volunteer mediator recruitment is on our Opportunities section.
Our organisation is overseen by a volunteer Board of Trustees who meet regularly to ensure the aims and objectives of our organization are met and that we maintain the highest standards in the delivery of our services across our area.
The Board consists of up to ten Trustees elected at our Annual General Meeting.
Information on trustee recruitment is on our Opportunities section.
Office Team
Our staff team is based at our office in central Brighton.
The team is made up of seven part-time members of staff who are responsible for the day-to-day running and development of our services.
Any recruitment opportunities will be in our Opportunities section.
Brighton and Hove Independent Mediation Service was set up as a registered charity in 1993.
In April 2019 we became a Charitable Incorporated Organization, with a new the charity number 1181888.
Our latest Annual Report and Accounts are available here:
Jobs and other Opportunities
We periodically offer a number of funded opportunities to members of our community to train as volunteer community and neighbourhood mediators. When this happens the details will be published here.
If you are interested in such opportunities, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected] - or using the contact form at the bottom of the page - and we will send you the details when they are available.
If you are already a trained mediator and are interested in volunteering with us, we have a separate recruitment process. Please let us know at [email protected] or use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
We do not have any staff vacancies at present.
When we do they will be featured here.
Our mission is to bring people together to prevent and repair the harm caused by conflict.
If you would like to support us in our mission by making a donation, please click here
Alternatively, you can post us a cheque at the address below with, if possible, a completed Gift Aid Form
If you are considering a legacy to help us to prevent and repair the harm caused by conflict, then please use the Contact Us form below, or leave a message on our voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
If you would like to help promote our work through your social media channels, please contact us below and we will notify you of any news, including updates on our services.
We are looking for a new trustee with a background in finance.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please please email us at [email protected] or contact us via the contact form below and we will put you in touch with our Chair of Trustees.
We know that conflict causes distress and that contacting a mediation service takes courage. We provide a responsive and friendly service so that people feel comfortable talking to us.
We recognise and celebrate the diversity of the community we serve and will always work to make our service accessible to all those who may require our support.
Through practice, training and research we maintain and develop our expertise in conflict resolution. We work to clear standards and policies, and strive to be efficient, effective and well organised in all we do.
Our goal is to empower people to find their own resolution to conflict. We actively seek to share knowledge and skills that will enable people to resolve or manage conflict situations.
We recognise the crucial role volunteers, staff and trustees play in the successful delivery of our service. We are committed to the providing the support everyone in the BHIMS family needs to thrive.
The safety of parties, volunteers and staff is our priority in the delivery of our services. We also know the limits of the support we can offer, and where our service is not the best fit, we will signpost people to a more appropriate one