Housing can be affected by many things including:
- arguments between family members or housemates
- difficulties communicating with your landlord
- complaints from neighbours
We can help
Free conflict resolution support is available to you if you live in:
- Brighton and Hove in private rented or supported housing. (Funded by Brighton and Hove City Council)
- Lewes District (funded by Lewes District Council) – Click here for the Lewes District Mediation and Conflict Resolution Fact Sheet

Accessing Our Services
The first step is to talk to one of our team.
Please call us on 01273 700812 or email [email protected] to request a call back.
Alternatively, you can contact us via our online form
Our Support
We have a team of trained and experienced volunteer mediators who can work with you to find ways to resolve arguments affecting you in your home.
Mediation is an informal way of resolving disputes.
It involves each person understanding a little about the other’s point of view and the ways in which the problem is affecting everyone involved. It is not about deciding who is right or wrong, but about finding a way forward that is acceptable to all.
Each person has a chance to say what they need to without interruption. Our job is to help those involved to find a way forward. Usually, a solution will be found which we will write down to remind everyone what was agreed. This is known as a goodwill agreement and is not a legally binding document.
Conflict Coaching
If mediation is not possible, we can offer one-to-one support called conflict coaching.
This usually involves up to three one-to-one meetings with a mediator to:
- talk about the problems you are facing and to
- think about ways to improve or cope with the situation.
How We Work
Where possible we arrange to meet people face–to–face, one at a time and then together.
The ongoing COVID-19 situation means face-to-face meetings are only available in limited circumstances. We can arrange meetings by video conference or by telephone and will talk with all concerned before deciding which option is suitable.
Our service is confidential
- We keep all your personal information safe and secure.
- We don’t share what you tell us with anyone else
- The only exception to this is if we feel someone is at risk of harm.
Taking part is voluntary
- You choose whether to use our service
- We will give you clear information and time to decide
- We will never pressure you to take part in meetings
We don’t take sides or give advice
- Mediators don’t take sides or make judgements about right or wrong.
- We give equal support to everyone involved
Top Tips
Please visit our Videos & Tips page.
This has a short video and tips about managing conflict with neighbours. This guidance applies to housemates as well as neighbours.